Bridging the Gap Between Patient Research and Physician Knowledge

In today’s digital age, it’s second nature to go online and self-diagnose before ever stepping foot into a doctor’s office. While the internet can offer a plethora of information, the challenge often lies in ensuring your primary care physician (PCP) is updated on the latest treatments available. PCPs carry the daunting task of keeping abreast with medical advancements across a vast array of specializations. As a result, when you talk to your doctor about bunions, there’s a possibility that they may be relying on slightly outdated information.

The Evolution of Bunion Treatments

For many years, the conventional wisdom around bunion treatments was to “wait and see.” Given that older bunion correction methods often had underwhelming success rates, many PCPs understandably advised patients to hold off on surgery until the discomfort was intolerable. However, times have changed. New surgery techniques like Lapiplasty® have been developed by specialists like Dr. Robert D. Santrock, MD. Lapiplasty® has boosted the success rate of bunion surgery by over 97%. Lapiplasty® bunion surgery has revolutionized the way we view bunion correction, presenting itself as the superior solution for patients today.

Three Effective Ways to Tak to Your Doctor About Bunions

1. Be Descriptive with Your Symptoms: Instead of just saying “my foot hurts,” try to be as detailed as possible. For example, “I’ve noticed a pronounced bump on the side of my foot that’s increasingly causing me pain when I wear shoes.”

2. Explain the Impact on Daily Life: Provide real-life examples. You might say, “I’ve stopped jogging because of the pain,” or “I can’t wear my favorite pair of shoes anymore.”

3. Share Any Family History: If bunions run in your family, make sure to mention it. Your doctor will appreciate understanding any genetic predisposition.

How to Broach the Subject of Lapiplasty® with Your Doctor

1. Ask Directly: Don’t beat around the bush. Open with, “I’ve been reading about Lapiplasty® bunion surgery and its high success rates. What do you think about it as a treatment option for my situation?”

2. Provide Materials: Bring print-outs or links to reputable sources discussing Lapiplasty®, so your PCP can review the data firsthand.

3. Express Your Desire for a Lasting Solution: Highlight that you’re interested in a treatment that addresses the root cause of the bunion, not just its symptoms.

Act Now for the Best Bunion Solution

Knowledge is power. If you or a loved one is suffering from bunions, staying informed about the latest treatments is essential. For a deeper dive into Lapiplasty® and how it can benefit you, download our informative pamphlet. And if you feel your doctor could benefit from updated information, don’t hesitate to refer them to Your feet deserve the best care possible.