In our journey through the 3Rs of Orthopedic Care at Dovetail Orthopedics, we’ve explored the essential role of “Replenish” in nourishing the body for recovery. Now, we delve into the “Rebuild” phase, focusing on cutting-edge regenerative and reconstructive innovations. Whether through advanced in-office treatments like PRP therapy or transformative surgeries like Lapiplasty, our goal is to restore function and reduce pain, particularly for our aging community. Join us as we explore how these groundbreaking treatments help our patients rebuild their lives, one step at a time with orthopedic regenerative and reconstructive innovations.

Understanding the Need for Rebuild: Orthopedic Regenerative and Reconstructive Innovations

Orthopedic issues often arise from injuries, wear and tear, or the natural aging process, leading to pain, reduced mobility, and a lower quality of life. For many, these issues can significantly impact daily activities and overall well-being. The “Rebuild” phase addresses the need to restore function and alleviate pain through innovative treatments.

As we age, our musculoskeletal system undergoes changes that can result in conditions such as arthritis, tendonitis, and other degenerative diseases. These conditions often require more than just symptomatic relief; they necessitate regenerative and reconstructive approaches to restore function and enhance the quality of life. Dovetail Orthopedics focuses on these advanced treatments to provide long-lasting solutions for our patients.

Bio-mechanics, Physiology, and Mobility: The Foundation of the Rebuild Phase

The “Rebuild” phase at Dovetail Orthopedics is deeply rooted in biomechanics, physiology, and mobility principles. Understanding these elements is crucial for developing effective regenerative and reconstructive treatments that restore function and enhance the quality of life for our patients.


Biomechanics is the study of the mechanical aspects of living organisms, particularly the movement and structure of the human body. In the context of orthopedic care, biomechanics helps us understand how bones, muscles, and joints work together to move. By analyzing the body’s biomechanical function, we can identify areas of dysfunction and develop targeted treatments to address them. For instance, corrective surgeries like Lapiplasty are designed with biomechanical principles in mind, ensuring that the alignment and stability of the foot are restored for optimal function.


Physiology involves the study of how the body’s systems function. In orthopedic care, a deep understanding of musculoskeletal physiology is essential for developing treatments that promote healing and recovery. Regenerative treatments like PRP therapy leverage the body’s natural physiological processes to repair damaged tissues. By injecting concentrated platelets into the affected area, we can enhance the body’s healing response, leading to faster and more effective recovery.


Mobility is the ability to move freely and easily, a fundamental aspect of daily life. In the “Rebuild” phase, our primary goal is to restore and improve our patients’ mobility. Whether through regenerative therapies or reconstructive surgeries, we aim to enhance the range of motion, reduce pain, and enable our patients to return to normal activities. Mobility is a crucial indicator of successful treatment, as it directly impacts the patient’s quality of life and overall well-being.

The interplay between biomechanics, physiology, and mobility is at the heart of Dovetail Orthopedics’ approach. By integrating these principles into our regenerative and reconstructive treatments, we can provide comprehensive care that addresses the root causes of orthopedic issues and supports long-term recovery and improved function.

Regenerative Treatments

Regenerative treatments aim to harness the body’s natural healing processes to repair damaged tissues. At Dovetail Orthopedics, we offer state-of-the-art regenerative therapies, including PRP therapy with Apex Biologix and Tendonova treatments. You can receive these treatments at our offices, 2416 Lynndale Rd, Fernandina Beach, FL 32034.

PRP Therapy with Apex Biologix

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a revolutionary treatment that uses the patient’s own blood to promote healing. The process involves extracting a small amount of blood, concentrating the platelets, and injecting the PRP into the affected area. The growth factors in the platelets stimulate tissue repair and regeneration.

Apex Biologix provides top-quality PRP products that enhance the effectiveness of this treatment. Patients who have undergone PRP therapy at Dovetail Orthopedics report significant improvements in pain reduction and functional recovery. For example, one patient suffering from chronic knee pain experienced a marked decrease in pain and an increase in mobility after just a few PRP sessions.

Tendonova Treatments

Tendonova offers advanced regenerative solutions specifically designed to treat tendon injuries and other musculoskeletal conditions. These treatments work by stimulating the body’s natural healing processes to repair and regenerate damaged tissues.

Tendonova treatments are particularly effective for conditions such as tendonitis and plantar fasciitis. Compared to traditional treatments, Tendonova’s regenerative approach offers faster recovery times and longer-lasting results. Patients at Dovetail Orthopedics have shared their success stories, highlighting how Tendonova treatments have enabled them to return to their active lifestyles with minimal downtime.

Reconstructive Surgeries

When regenerative treatments alone are not enough, reconstructive surgeries provide essential solutions to restore function and alleviate pain. At Dovetail Orthopedics, we specialize in innovative surgical techniques that offer precise, stable, and efficient outcomes. Surgeries are performed on an outpatient basis at one of our three surgery centers:

Amelia Island Surgery Center
2416 Lynndale Road
Suite 102
Fernandina Beach, FL  32034

HCA Florida
Orange Park Hospital
2001 Kingsley Avenue
Orange Park, FL 32073

HCA Florida
Memorial Hospital
3625 University Blvd S.
Jacksonville, FL  32216

Lapiplasty Surgery

Lapiplasty is a groundbreaking surgical procedure designed to correct bunions with greater precision and stability than traditional methods. Unlike conventional bunion surgeries that address only the visible bump, Lapiplasty corrects the root cause of the deformity in three dimensions, ensuring long-term stability and alignment.

Patients who undergo Lapiplasty benefit from a quicker recovery time and a lower risk of recurrence. Testimonials from our patients reveal life-changing improvements, with many reporting that they could walk without pain and return to their normal activities much sooner than expected.

Surgical Optimization Techniques

At Dovetail Orthopedics, we utilize a range of surgical optimization techniques to enhance the outcomes of reconstructive surgeries. These techniques focus on minimizing recovery downtime and improving overall patient satisfaction, which is especially crucial for our aging community.

For instance, we employ advanced imaging technologies and minimally invasive techniques to ensure precision and reduce surgical trauma. By optimizing the surgical process, we aim to provide our patients with the best possible outcomes, allowing them to regain their mobility and improve their quality of life.

Integrating Regenerative and Reconstructive Care

One of Dovetail Orthopedics’ key strengths is our holistic approach, which integrates regenerative treatments with reconstructive surgeries. This comprehensive strategy ensures that our patients receive the most effective care tailored to their specific needs.

By combining these treatments, we can more effectively address a wide range of orthopedic conditions. Regenerative therapies, such as PRP and Tendonova treatments, can enhance the healing process following reconstructive surgeries, leading to better overall outcomes and faster recovery times. This integrated approach provides long-term benefits, helping our patients maintain their mobility and function for years to come.

Patient-Centered Approach

At Dovetail Orthopedics, we strongly emphasize personalized treatment plans. We understand that each patient is unique, with individual goals and lifestyle needs. Our patient-centered approach ensures that we take the time to listen to our patients, understand their concerns, and develop tailored treatment strategies that align with their objectives.

Patient testimonials highlight the success of our approach. For instance, one patient shared how the combination of PRP therapy and Lapiplasty surgery not only relieved their chronic pain but also enabled them to return to their favorite activities, such as hiking and dancing. This personalized care is a testament to our commitment to improving the lives of our patients.

“Rebuild” a Crucial Step in a Holistic Approach to Orthopedic Care

The “Rebuild” phase at Dovetail Orthopedics represents a crucial step in our holistic approach to orthopedic care. By leveraging regenerative and reconstructive innovations, we strive to restore function, reduce pain, and enhance the quality of life for our patients. 

As we look forward to the next part of our series, “Restore—Supporting Long-term Mobility and Function,” we remain dedicated to providing comprehensive, patient-centered care that addresses each individual’s unique needs. We invite you to explore the innovative treatments at Dovetail Orthopedics and join us on the journey to rebuilding a healthier, more active life.