In specialized medicine, there is often a disconnect between understanding how to replenish the body, rebuild injuries, and restore function effectively. Too frequently, treatments focus narrowly on specific symptoms rather than considering the holistic needs of the body. At Dovetail Orthopedics, we embrace integrative orthopedic care that merges the sciences of biochemistry, biology, and physics to ensure comprehensive recovery. This method addresses the immediate injury and promotes long-term health and mobility.

Biochemistry and Nutrition: Key to Your Body’s Healing Process

The foundation of healing begins at the biochemical level. Proper nutrition is essential for providing the body with the necessary building blocks to repair tissues and recover from injuries. At Dovetail Orthopedics, we emphasize the importance of nutritional balance in the recovery process. Our approach includes EBM prescription vitamins and foods designed to support the body’s natural healing mechanisms. By optimizing your diet with the right nutrients, we help enhance cellular repair, reduce inflammation, and boost overall recovery.

Healing from Orthopedic Trauma: Integrative Orthopedic Care

When an acute injury occurs, such as a fracture or ligament tear, the body’s immediate response involves inflammation and the mobilization of resources to the injured area. This is where biochemistry and nutrition play a crucial role. Adequate intake of proteins, vitamins (like Vitamin C and D), and minerals (such as calcium and magnesium) is essential for collagen synthesis and bone repair. Our EBM prescription vitamins and tailored dietary plans ensure that patients receive these critical nutrients, supporting the initial healing phase and laying the groundwork for effective recovery.

Addressing Chronic Orthopedic Issues

Chronic orthopedic issues, such as osteoarthritis or tendinitis, require a long-term nutritional strategy to manage inflammation and promote tissue health. Anti-inflammatory diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and other bioactive compounds can significantly reduce chronic inflammation and pain. At Dovetail Orthopedics, we guide our patients through dietary adjustments that include foods like fatty fish, leafy greens, nuts, and seeds, along with targeted supplements that enhance joint health and reduce oxidative stress.

Personalized Nutrition Plans for Integrative Orthopedic Care

Understanding that each patient’s needs are unique, we create personalized nutrition plans based on individual health profiles, injury types, and recovery goals. These plans are not just about what to eat but also about when and how to consume nutrients to maximize absorption and effectiveness. For instance, pairing certain vitamins with fats can enhance their absorption, while timing protein intake around physical therapy sessions can boost muscle repair and growth.

Supporting Overall Health

Beyond injury-specific nutrition, maintaining overall health is crucial for preventing future issues and ensuring sustained recovery. We educate our patients on maintaining a balanced diet that supports not just recovery but also long-term health, helping them stay active and resilient against potential injuries.

Rebuilding the Injury and Anatomy: The Biology of Recovery & Integrative Orthopedic Care

Recovery from an injury is a complex biological process that involves more than just the visible healing of tissues. It requires a deep understanding of anatomy and the mechanisms by which the body regenerates itself. At Dovetail Orthopedics, we employ advanced regenerative treatments and surgical techniques to ensure a comprehensive recovery.

Understanding the Biological Healing Process

The body’s ability to heal from injury involves several stages, starting with inflammation, followed by tissue formation, and finally, tissue remodeling. Each phase is critical and requires specific biological processes to be effective. Inflammation, while often perceived negatively, is a crucial first step that helps clear out damaged cells and pathogens. Following this, the body begins to lay down new tissue, and eventually, this tissue is remodeled to restore normal function.

Advanced Regenerative Treatments in Integrative Orthopedic Care

One of the key components of our approach at Dovetail Orthopedics is the use of advanced regenerative treatments. These therapies leverage the body’s natural healing capabilities to enhance recovery.

PRP Therapy

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a cutting-edge treatment we offer in partnership with Apex Biologix & Tendonova. PRP involves concentrating platelets from the patient’s own blood and injecting them into the injured area. These platelets release growth factors that stimulate cell proliferation, tissue regeneration, and healing. PRP therapy has been particularly effective in treating tendon injuries, ligament sprains, and other musculoskeletal conditions, significantly reducing recovery time and improving outcomes.

Reconstructive Surgeries

While regenerative treatments are highly effective, there are cases where surgical intervention is necessary to restore proper function and anatomy. Our reconstructive surgeries are designed with the latest techniques to ensure minimal recovery downtime and optimal outcomes.


Lapiplasty is one such innovative surgical procedure we offer. It addresses bunion deformities by correcting the misalignment at its root, rather than simply removing the bump. This procedure not only provides a more permanent solution but also reduces the likelihood of recurrence. By restoring the normal anatomy of the foot, patients can return to their daily activities more quickly and with better long-term results.

Minimally Invasive Techniques

We also prioritize minimally invasive surgical techniques whenever possible. These approaches involve smaller incisions, which reduce trauma to surrounding tissues, lower the risk of infection, and promote faster healing. Our goal is to ensure that patients experience less pain and quicker recoveries, enabling them to get back to their active lifestyles sooner.

Comprehensive Post-Surgical Care

Recovery doesn’t end with surgery. Comprehensive post-surgical care is crucial to ensure the best outcomes. This includes personalized rehabilitation programs, regular follow-up visits, and continuous monitoring of the healing process. By providing detailed guidance and support during the recovery phase, we help patients achieve full restoration of function and prevent future complications.

Restoring Function and Physiology: The Role of Physical Therapy

Healing an injury is only part of the journey. Ensuring that the affected area regains its full function is crucial to a complete recovery. This is where the principles of physiology come into play. At Dovetail Orthopedics, our comprehensive rehabilitation programs are designed to restore the physiological function of the injured area, ensuring proper healing and the regaining of original strength and mobility.

Comprehensive Rehabilitation Programs

Our rehabilitation programs begin with a thorough assessment of the injury and the patient’s overall health. This initial assessment helps us develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses the specific needs of each patient. By focusing on the unique aspects of each injury, we can tailor our physical therapy sessions to promote effective healing and recovery.

Tailored Physical Therapy Sessions

Physical therapy sessions target the injured area and enhance overall mobility and strength. These sessions include a variety of exercises and techniques aimed at improving flexibility, strengthening muscles, and increasing range of motion. Utilizing state-of-the-art equipment and evidence-based practices ensures that each session is as effective as possible.

Restoring Physiological Function

The ultimate goal of our physical therapy programs is to restore the physiological function of the injured area. This involves more than just repairing the damage; it means ensuring that the area heals in a way that allows it to function as it did before the injury. This can include specific exercises to rebuild muscle strength, techniques to improve joint mobility, and activities to enhance coordination and balance.

Preventing Future Issues

Prevention is a key component of our rehabilitation programs. By addressing the underlying causes of the injury and focusing on overall physical health, we help patients avoid future problems. This can include educating patients on proper body mechanics, providing exercises to maintain strength and flexibility, and offering advice on lifestyle changes that can reduce the risk of re-injury.

Supporting a Return to Active Lifestyles

Our ultimate aim is to ensure that our patients can return to their active lifestyles without lingering limitations. Whether it’s returning to sports, engaging in daily activities, or simply moving without pain, our rehabilitation programs are designed to support full recovery. We work closely with each patient to monitor progress and adjust treatments as needed, ensuring that they achieve the best possible outcomes.

Combining the Latest in Biochemistry, Biology, and Physics

If you or a loved one is suffering from orthopedic pain or an acute injury, schedule a call with Dovetail Orthopedics. Our integrative approach, combining the latest in biochemistry, biology, and physics, ensures that you receive the most comprehensive care for a complete and lasting recovery.