Welcome to Part 2 of our blog series on the 3Rs of Orthopedic Care—Replenish, Rebuild, and Restore. Today, we focus on the “Replenish” component, exploring how critical nutritional replenishment is in recovery and long-term health. Our evidence-based medicine (EBM) prescription vitamins and foods highlight nutrition’s role in our comprehensive care strategy.

Why Nutritional Replenishment Is Essential

Recovery from orthopedic issues involves more than just medical treatments and surgeries—it requires an integrated approach that nourishes the body to promote healing. At Dovetail Orthopedics, we understand that the foundation of a swift and effective recovery lies in how well the body is supported nutritionally. Nutritional deficiencies can delay healing processes, prolong pain and inflammation, and even worsen clinical outcomes.

The Science Behind Nutritional Replenishment

Our bodies operate on complex biochemical reactions that require various nutrients to function optimally. When recovering from injury or surgery, the body’s demand for certain vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients increases. Nutritional replenishment ensures that these demands are met, aiding in tissue repair, reducing inflammation, and enhancing immune response.

The Impact of Nutrition on Orthopedic Patients

  1. Reduced Inflammation: Anti-inflammatory foods and supplements can significantly decrease the inflammation that often accompanies orthopedic conditions.
  2. Enhanced Tissue Repair: Protein, vitamins A and C, and zinc play pivotal roles in tissue repair and regeneration.
  3. Improved Bone Health: Calcium, vitamin D, and magnesium are crucial for bone regeneration and overall bone health, especially post-surgery.

Understanding EBM Medical Foods in Nutritional Replenishment

At Dovetail Orthopedics, our commitment to holistic care extends deeply into nutritional support with a strong emphasis on EBM Medical Foods. These products represent a vital component of our Replenish phase, ensuring that patients receive mechanical repairs through surgeries and biochemical support through specialized nutrition. This integration enhances recovery, improves long-term outcomes, and supports our your journey from injury to full health.

The Significance of EBM Medical Foods for Nutritional Replenishment

EBM Medical Foods are not typical nutritional supplements; they are formulated based on scientific evidence to address specific nutritional needs arising from chronic conditions or therapeutic recovery processes. These foods are intended for use under medical supervision and are tailored for patients who have unique dietary requirements due to illness, surgery, or chronic conditions.

These medical foods can be administered orally or through more direct methods such as tube feeding, catering to patients with varying degrees of dietary absorption challenges. Their development is rigorous, ensuring they meet the specific dietary needs not achievable through conventional diets alone.

Featured EBM Medical Foods and Their Roles

EB-C4: Transdermal CBD Cream for Comprehensive Pain Management

EB-C4 is a high-concentration, broad spectrum, transdermal CBD cream, pivotal in Dovetail Orthopedics’ pain management strategy. It is meticulously crafted to offer relief without systemic side effects, typically associated with oral medications. This cream represents a “whole-plant” or “entourage effect,” providing a synergistic interaction of its components for optimal efficacy. 

Here’s a closer look at the active ingredients and their roles:

  • Cannabidiol (0% THC) (3%): Acts on cannabinoid receptors to help reduce inflammation while supporting mood, memory, and sleep functions.
  • Myrcene (3%) and Beta-Caryophyllene (3%): These terpenes are integral to the entourage effect, significantly reducing inflammation and, in the case of Beta-Caryophyllene, additionally enhancing mood.
  • Arnica (2%): Widely used in anti-inflammatory topicals, Arnica helps diminish inflammation and is beneficial in treating bruises, sprains, and muscle soreness.
  • MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) (2%): Plays a crucial role in reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, making it valuable for joint and muscle recovery.

Usage: EB-C4 should be applied locally up to four times daily or as directed by a healthcare provider. It is designed for patient convenience and efficacy, providing a straightforward approach to dosage and application.

EB-C4 is part of Dovetail Orthopedics’ commitment to integrating innovative and evidence-based medical products into their comprehensive care strategies, ensuring patients not only recover but also move towards long-term wellness and improved quality of life.

EB-S4: Maximize Bone Density and Optimize Surgical Outcomes

EB-S4 is designed to support bone health through a carefully selected combination of nutrients essential for bone density and repair. This formula is particularly beneficial for patients undergoing surgery, as it aids in enhancing bone density and optimizing surgical outcomes. By providing a potent blend of Calcium Citrate, Magnesium Bisglycinate, Vitamin D3, and Zinc Bisglycinate, EB-S4 ensures a solid foundation for bone health and recovery.


  • Calcium Citrate (1200 mg): Essential for bone growth and helps prevent the loss of bone mass.
  • Magnesium Bisglycinate (500 mg): Enhances vitamin D and calcium absorption, crucial for bone health.
  • Vitamin D3 (10,000 IU): Facilitates calcium absorption, critical for bone health and repair.
  • Zinc Bisglycinate (50 mg): Supports bone cell production and collagen formation.

Usage: Tailored for patients needing to enhance bone density, particularly post-surgery, to aid in faster and more effective bone healing.

EB-A7: Addressing Chronic Inflammation and Osteoarthritis

EB-A7 offers a natural and effective solution for managing the symptoms of chronic inflammation and osteoarthritis. This formula combines powerful anti-inflammatory agents such as Turmeric Curcumin, SAM-e, and Hyaluronic Acid with Boswellia Extract and Hydrolyzed Type II Collagen, creating a synergistic effect that reduces pain and enhances joint health without the side effects commonly associated with NSAIDs.


  • Turmeric Curcumin 95% (750 mg), SAM-e (600 mg), Hyaluronic Acid (200 mg): These components work synergistically to manage inflammation and pain associated with osteoarthritis.
  • Boswellia Extract (100 mg), Hydrolyzed Type II Collagen (40 mg), Bioperine® (5 mg): Enhance the metabolic management of arthritis without compromising immune system function.

Usage: Designed for patients suffering from chronic joint pain and inflammation, providing a natural and effective alternative to NSAIDs.

EB-L1: For Healthier Nails

EB-L1 is specifically formulated to address common nail problems, including brittleness, discoloration, and poor growth. With ingredients like Biotin-D, Cynatine™ HNS, and Hydrolyzed Type I Collagen, this formula not only improves the strength and thickness of nails but also supports their overall health. Additional nutrients like L-methylfolate Calcium and Silicon enhance vascular health and promote healthier nail growth.


  • Biotin-D (10 mg), Cynatine™ HNS (500 mg), Hydrolyzed Type I Collagen (50 mg): Key for improving nail strength, thickness, and overall health.
  • L-methylfolate Calcium (0.5 mg), Silicon (LIVING SILICA®) (10 mg): Support nail growth and improve vascular health to the nail beds.

Usage: Ideal for patients with nail disorders such as brittleness, discoloration, or poor growth often seen with nutritional deficiencies.

EB-N6: Managing Peripheral Neuropathy

EB-N6 targets the complex challenges of peripheral neuropathy by optimizing metabolic factors critical for nerve and vascular health. This specialized formula includes key nutrients such as L-methylfolate Calcium, Methylcobalamin, and Pyridoxal 5′-phosphate, which improve nerve blood flow and reduce homocysteine levels. Antioxidants like Alpha-lipoic Acid and Benfotiamine further support nerve health and help manage symptoms associated with neuropathy.


  • L-methylfolate Calcium (6 mg), Methylcobalamin (4 mg), Pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (70 mg): These ingredients target nerve health, improving blood flow and reducing homocysteine levels, which are often elevated in neuropathy.
  • Alpha-lipoic Acid (600 mg), Benfotiamine (300 mg): Support nerve health through antioxidant properties and aid in managing blood sugar levels.

Usage: Specifically formulated to assist with the pathology of peripheral neuropathy, focusing on optimizing metabolic factors involved in nerve and vascular health.

How Dovetail Integrates Nutritional Replenishment into Overall Health Strategies

Our holistic approach ensures that every aspect of the patient’s recovery journey is addressed, with nutrition playing a key role. 

Here’s how we integrate these nutritional solutions into our broader care strategy:

Before Treatment

Pre-operative nutritional support is crucial to prepare the body for the stress of surgery and to ensure better surgical outcomes. Patients are often started on a regimen of specific supplements and foods weeks before the procedure.

During Treatment

Nutritional care continues through the treatment phase, with adjustments made based on the patient’s recovery progress and specific needs during hospitalization.

After Treatment

Post-operative care focuses on nutrients that support healing and help manage pain and inflammation. A personalized nutrition plan is developed for each patient, considering their overall health, recovery rate, and any specific nutritional deficiencies.

The Replenish Philosophy at Dovetail Orthopedics

At Dovetail Orthopedics, “Replenish” is not just about feeding the body; it’s about restoring life and vitality through tailored nutritional support. Our commitment to integrating EBM into nutritional practices ensures that every patient receives the precise nutrients needed to optimize their recovery and maintain long-term health.

In our next blog post, we will explore the “Rebuild” aspect of our holistic approach, focusing on regenerative treatments and reconstructive surgeries that are pivotal in getting our patients back to their best selves. Stay tuned as we continue to delve deeper into how Dovetail Orthopedics is revolutionizing orthopedic care, one patient at a time.

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