If you’re considering Lapiplasty® Surgery, you likely have a multitude of questions. In this article, we’ll address some frequently asked questions about Lapiplasty® bunion surgery to help you gain a comprehensive understanding of what it entails and whether it’s the right choice for you.

FAQs about Lapiplasty® Bunion Surgery

1. Is Lapiplasty® bunion surgery painful?

  • Pain levels can vary from person to person, but most patients report experiencing minimal to moderate discomfort after Lapiplasty® surgery. Your Lapiplasty® surgeon will prescribe pain medications and provide guidelines to manage pain effectively during the recovery period.

2. Is Lapiplasty® bunion surgery covered by Medicare?

3. Is Lapiplasty® worth it?

  • Lapiplasty® surgery offers several advantages, including faster recovery times and reduced risk of bunion recurrence compared to traditional methods. Many patients find it to be a worthwhile investment in their long-term foot health.

4. How long does Lapiplasty® surgery take?

  • The surgery itself typically takes around 60-90 minutes per affected foot, depending on the complexity of the case.

5. What kind of doctor does Lapiplasty® bunion surgery?

  • Orthopedic surgeons and podiatrists with specialized training in foot and ankle surgery are the most qualified professionals to perform Lapiplasty® surgery.

6. Average cost of Lapiplasty® bunion surgery

7. Can you be awake during bunion surgery?

  • Lapiplasty® surgery is generally performed under regional anesthesia and some sedation. The sedation could be minimal or fully asleep depending on the degree of comfort the anesthesiologist determines is needed.

8. How does Lapiplasty® surgery work?

  • Lapiplasty® is a three-dimensional surgical technique that realigns the misaligned bones in the bunion joint. It stabilizes the joint with specialized titanium plates to ensure long-lasting correction. Read more about Lapiplasty® surgery.

9. How is bunion surgery done?

  • During the surgery, the surgeon makes incisions to access the affected joint, repositions the bones, and secures them with plates, screws, and bone grafts if necessary.

10. How successful is Lapiplasty® surgery?

  • Lapiplasty® bunion surgery has shown high success rates in correcting bunions and reducing the risk of recurrence. Most patients experience significant improvements in foot function and overall comfort.

11. How long is Lapiplasty® recovery?

  • You will be walking within days. Recovery times vary, but most patients can return to regular activities in the boot within 2 weeks. Patetients can expect to be out of their boot and return to athletic shoes within 6 weeks and returning to running sports within 4 months depending on individual healing processes.

12. How effective is Lapiplasty®?

  • Lapiplasty® has proven to be an effective and reliable method for correcting bunions, with a lower risk of recurrence compared to traditional approaches.

13. What is Lapiplasty® bunion surgery?

  • Lapiplasty® bunion surgery is an innovative technique for correcting bunions that focuses on stabilizing the bunion joint in three dimensions, providing long-lasting results. 97% of Lapiplasty® patients maintained their 3D bunion correction at 13 months.

14. Is Lapiplasty® surgery better?

15. Does Lapiplasty® really work?

  • Yes, Lapiplasty® surgery has shown consistently positive results, making it a highly effective option for bunion correction.

16. When is Lapiplasty® surgery considered medically necessary?

  • Lapiplasty® may be considered medically necessary when bunions cause severe pain, deformity, or interfere significantly with daily activities, and conservative treatments have been ineffective.

17. When does Lapiplasty® swelling go down?

  • Swelling after Lapiplasty® surgery typically peaks within the first few days and gradually subsides over the course of several weeks. Most patients experience significant improvement within 4-6 weeks.

18. Is Lapiplasty® an outpatient bunion surgery?

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  • Yes, Lapiplasty® is typically performed as an outpatient bunion surgery. This means that patients can usually go home on the same day as the procedure, once they have recovered from the effects of anesthesia and the surgical team is satisfied with their condition. Outpatient surgery is commonly preferred for Lapiplasty because it allows patients to recover in the comfort of their own homes while minimizing hospital stays and associated costs.

Lapiplasty® Surgery: Downloadable Paphlet

If you are considering Lapiplasty® surgery or have further questions about the procedure, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dovetail Orthopedics by calling (904) 430-7132. Our experienced surgeon can provide personalized guidance and help you make an informed decision about your foot health. Don’t let bunions hold you back any longer; take the first step towards a more comfortable and active life.