Understanding Lapiplasty®: A New Solution for Bunion Correction

For many individuals considering surgical intervention for bunions, the decision to undergo a new procedure can be daunting. Understanding how the surgical process works is crucial in alleviating concerns and making an informed choice. Regarding foot conditions like bunions, the desire to comprehend the surgical approach becomes even more significant. Patients often seek insights into procedures like Lapiplasty® to better understand the benefits and risks. Let’s look at the specifics of bunions, the metatarsal bone, and how does Lapiplasty® work, shedding light on its mechanism and effectiveness.

Bunions and the Metatarsal Bone

Bunions are a common foot deformity characterized by a bony bump that forms at the base of the big toe. This condition causes the affected toe to deviate towards the smaller toes, resulting in pain, swelling, and difficulty in finding comfortable footwear. The metatarsal bone, particularly the first metatarsal, plays a crucial role in bunion formation. Misalignment or instability in this bone leads to the protrusion, exacerbating the bunion’s development. Without intervention, bunions often worsen and can significantly impact mobility and overall foot health.

Understanding Lapiplasty®: How Does Lapiplasty® Work?

Lapiplasty® changes bunion correction by focusing on realigning the metatarsal bone through specialized instruments. These instruments have been designed to rotate the bone back to its normal position, naturally straightening the affected toe, eliminating the bony protrusion, and alleviating associated discomfort. This approach targets the root cause of bunions by fixing the bone’s position in all three dimensions, aiming for sustained relief and enhanced foot functionality.

The procedure secures the once unstable foundation, providing durable support to maintain the corrected alignment using Titanium plates. This advanced step ensures a stable, long-term solution, offering not only immediate relief but also sustained comfort and improved mobility.

The objective is to bring the metatarsal bone back to its proper alignment, thereby addressing the underlying issue of bunion formation. The major difference between Lapiplasty® and traditional methods is the instrumentation, technique, and plating.  Lapiplasty® not only corrects the misalignment but also secures the correction for enduring bunion relief and enhanced foot function. If you are considering Lapiplasty or other surgical options for bunions, we highly suggest you ask 1 simple question, what is the procedure’s success rate?

Fusion with Titanium Plates for Stability: How Does Lapiplasty® Work?

The stability of the corrected metatarsal bone is crucial in preventing the recurrence of bunions. After the correction, the Lapiplasty® procedure utilizes titanium plates to fuse the previously unstable joint. This fusion permanently secures the corrected alignment, ensuring that the metatarsal bone remains in its proper position. The plates provide durable support, allowing patients to regain mobility and resume their daily activities with a reduced risk of bunion reoccurrence.

Take Action and Learn More

For individuals seeking a deeper understanding of how Lapiplasty® works or considering this innovative solution for bunion correction, it’s essential to engage in a conversation with a specialized professional. Dr. Santrock, a respected member of the design team behind Lapiplasty®, and an experienced orthopedic surgeon, is available for consultations.

To gain insights into the procedure, its benefits, and whether it’s the right fit for you, contact Dr. Santrock at (904) 430-7132. Take the first step towards understanding Lapiplasty® and making an informed decision for your foot health.

Understanding your surgical options can provide reassurance and confidence for individuals considering bunion correction. Contacting a knowledgeable professional is the ideal way to gather personalized information and make an informed decision about pursuing this innovative solution.