Finding the right surgeon for any procedure is crucial, but when you’re considering a revolutionary treatment like Lapiplasty® for your bunions, the stakes are even higher. With something as groundbreaking and specific as Lapiplasty®, you don’t just want a surgeon; you need an expert. Someone with a robust track record of successful surgeries. Someone at the cutting edge, keeping pace with the latest techniques, data, and medical advancements. Enter Dr. Robert Santrock.

Lapiplasty® Find a Surgeon: Dr. Santrock’s Bunion Treatment Approach

In the early days of his career, like many orthopedic surgeons, Dr. Santrock would advise against bunion surgery unless the pain became unbearable for the patient. This was because the success rate wasn’t great for traditional bunion surgery. And, for most patients, the risk wasn’t worth it.

However, with the advent of Lapiplasty® (a bunion surgery technique co-invented by Dr. Santrock), his perspective shifted dramatically. No longer did patients have to wait in anguish. With the game-changing techniques offered by Lapiplasty®, Dr. Santrock firmly believes in addressing the issue head-on, ensuring patients no longer suffer in silence.

Lapiplasty®: Dr. Santrock’s Unwavering Commitment

Dr. Santrock didn’t just co-invent Lapiplasty®; he lives and breathes it. Having performed over 400 surgeries using this system, he ranks among the top five surgeons worldwide. This isn’t just another tool in his kit; Lapiplasty® is his primary focus. His unwavering commitment to this procedure is a testament to its efficacy and his belief in its potential to change lives.

Lapiplasty® Find a Surgeon: Post Surgery

When you speak of advancements in bunion correction, Dr. Robert Santrock is a name that resonates with innovation and expertise. Recognized as the co-inventor of the revolutionary Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction System, he has transformed the way we perceive and treat bunions. With a career that speaks volumes, spanning over two decades, Dr. Santrock has significantly impacted the world of orthopedics. His affiliation with Treace Medical Concepts, Inc., is a testament to his dedication to the field. However, his commitment doesn’t stop at innovation.

Through Dovetail Orthopedics, he provides personalized care, ensuring that his patients benefit from his extensive knowledge and experience. A surgical procedure, no matter how groundbreaking, is only as effective as the aftercare that follows. Dr. Santrock understands this, so he has taken post-operative care to another level.

Many surgeons might adhere to standard follow-up schedules. However, Dr. Santrock believes that each patient is unique and deserves a tailored approach. Here’s a glimpse of the atypical post-surgery follow-up protocol he has championed:

  • Immediate Attention: Unlike the conventional practice where the first post-operative check-up might be a few days after the procedure, Dr. Santrock prefers seeing his patients the very next day. This allows him to monitor the immediate aftermath of the surgery, addressing any discomfort or complications right off the bat.
  • Consistent Monitoring: Over the subsequent weeks and months, Dr. Santrock ensures a rigorous follow-up routine. Examinations are scheduled at pivotal recovery milestones: the 7-day mark to observe initial healing, 3-weeks to assess mobility, 6-weeks to gauge the alignment and progress, followed by more spaced-out check-ins at the 4-month and then between the 6-month to 1-year marks.
  • Deep Dive Assessments: Every follow-up isn’t just a cursory glance. Dr. Santrock utilizes X-rays to gain a deeper understanding of the bone’s healing trajectory. But he doesn’t stop at just physical assessments; he’s equally concerned about the patient’s comfort. By continually evaluating pain levels, he ensures that the recovery isn’t just swift but also as comfortable as possible.

It’s this comprehensive, personalized approach to post-operative care that sets Dr. Santrock apart. By combining his vast knowledge with a genuine concern for his patient’s well-being, he ensures that everyone who steps out of his operating room gets the best shot at a pain-free, mobile life.

Holistic & Personalized Patient Care: Lapiplasty® Find a Surgeon, Dr. Santrock

Dr. Robert Santrock’s approach to patient care diverges from the norm. For him, it’s not just about treating the ailment; it’s about treating the individual. Here’s a look into his holistic and personalized patient care philosophy:

Unique Needs, Unique Solutions:

Every patient is different. Their genetics, their history, their lifestyle—all these factors play a significant role in their health. Dr. Santrock understands this intricacy. Instead of adopting a one-size-fits-all approach, he tailors his treatments based on each individual’s unique needs.

Building Personal Bonds:

Beyond the confines of clinical check-ups and medical jargon, Dr. Santrock makes an earnest effort to build personal relationships with his patients. He believes that trust and mutual understanding form the cornerstone of effective treatment. By getting to know his patients on a deeper level, he is better equipped to cater to their emotional and psychological needs alongside their physical ones.

Time, A Critical Ingredient:

Quality healthcare cannot be rushed. It requires patience, a meticulous approach, and above all, time. Dr. Santrock is dedicated to spending adequate time with each patient, ensuring that no stone is left unturned in their care journey. This commitment ensures that the patient feels heard, understood, and well-taken care of.

Concierge Medicine Reflection:

Dr. Santrock’s patient care approach echoes the principles of concierge medicine. The emphasis isn’t just on treating symptoms or addressing immediate concerns. It’s about offering a comprehensive, all-around healthcare experience that’s centered on the patient’s overall well-being.

In a world where medical care can often feel impersonal and rushed, Dr. Santrock’s commitment to holistic and personalized patient care stands out. It’s an affirmation of his belief that medicine, at its heart, is a profoundly human endeavor.

Contact a Lapiplasty® Surgeon

If you’re grappling with bunions and need relief, the time is now. Don’t settle for pain and discomfort when a world-class solution is within reach. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Santrock at Dovetail Orthopedics, and take the first step towards reclaiming your mobility and quality of life.

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